4 Things a cardiologist should know about triglycerides

This series aims to guide cardiologists in how triglycerides affect CV risk and how patients with high triglyceride levels can be managed according to recent insights. More videos to be added

Episodes 1-4 of 4

  • Reducing triglycerides in REDUCEIT Reducing triglycerides in REDUCEIT
    4 Things a cardiologist should know about triglycerides
    Reducing triglycerides in REDUCE-IT
    • Deepak Bhatt, MD
      Deepak Bhatt, MD

      Deepak Bhatt, MD

  • The spectrum of triglyceridecontaining lipoproteins The spectrum of triglyceridecontaining lipoproteins
    4 Things a cardiologist should know about triglycerides
    The spectrum of triglyceride-containing lipoproteins
    • Jorge Plutzky, MD

      Jorge Plutzky, MD

  • How can triglycerides increase CV riskHow can triglycerides increase CV risk
    4 Things a cardiologist should know about triglycerides
    How can triglycerides increase CV risk?
    • Prof. Børge Nordestgaard, MD

      Prof. Børge Nordestgaard, MD

  • Three lines of evidence for triglycerides as a CV risk factorThree lines of evidence for triglycerides as a CV risk factor
    4 Things a cardiologist should know about triglycerides
    Three lines of evidence for triglycerides as a CV risk factor
    • Prof. Ph. Gabriel Steg, MD

      Prof. Ph. Gabriel Steg, MD


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