Changing the outlook for a chronic heart failure patient: Optimising RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control

Meeting report with presentation slides, videos and online CME of a PACE-CME symposium held during ESC 2020, The Digital Experience.

Episodes 1-4 of 4

  • Introduction Optimizing RAASi treatment through longterm potassium controlIntroduction Optimizing RAASi treatment through longterm potassium control
    Changing the outlook for a chronic heart failure patient: Optimising RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control
    Introduction: Optimizing RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control
    • Prof. Peter van der Meer, MD

      Prof. Peter van der Meer, MD

  • Novel potassium binders to improve management of chronic HFNovel potassium binders to improve management of chronic HF
    Changing the outlook for a chronic heart failure patient: Optimising RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control
    Novel potassium binders to improve management of chronic HF
    • Prof. Javed Butler, MD

      Prof. Javed Butler, MD

  • Understanding risk of hyperkalemia in heart failureUnderstanding risk of hyperkalemia in heart failure
    Changing the outlook for a chronic heart failure patient: Optimising RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control
    Understanding risk of hyperkalemia in heart failure
    • Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, MD, PhD

      Prof. Piotr Ponikowski, MD, PhD

  • Heart failure a multimorbid syndrome An increasing challenge to manageHeart failure a multimorbid syndrome An increasing challenge to manage
    Changing the outlook for a chronic heart failure patient: Optimising RAASi treatment through long-term potassium control
    Heart failure, a multimorbid syndrome: An increasing challenge to manage
    • Prof. Carolyn Lam, MD

      Prof. Carolyn Lam, MD


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