This educational program consists of three presentations on HF and hyperkalemia.
Continuing foundational therapy in symptomatic HF: the key role of RAASi-based therapy - Shelley Zieroth, MD - Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Clinicians prescribing RAASi therapy for HF may face challenges in the management of patients, such as the occurence of hyperkalemia. Shelley Zieroth discusses the importance of achieving and maintaining optimal RAASi therapy in patients with HF.
But what to do if potassium level goes up? - Mikhail Kosiborod, MD - Kansas City, MO, USA
- What are the management options for patients with HF and hyperkalemia? Mikhail Kosiborod presents a patient case and gives an answer to this question.
Practical experience and model for optimizing RAASi-based therapy in HF - Aaron Wong, MD - Bridgend, Wales, UK
- Aaron Wong presents real-world data that show that a novel potassium binder can be used to optimize RAASi therapy in patients with HF.